“A Heartwarming Bond: When a Canine and a Turtle Became Unlikely Companions”

Introducing Puka and her beloved companion, Rocket Larry the turtle. These two furry friends are not only rescues but also adopted siblings who share an inseparable bond. Their parents first adopted Larry in 2009 from a previous owner who could no longer care for him. As an African Sulcata tortoise, Larry can grow up to 150lbs and loves basking in the sun and digging in the dirt. Puka, on the other hand, was adopted in 2011 after her parents’ friend found her sitting at a bus stop with a homeless man. Born with a cleft palate, Puka’s survival as a puppy was unlikely due to the lack of corrective surgeries available. Nevertheless, she has thrived and is ready to show off her infectious smile to the world. Despite their differences, Puka and Larry have always been close. They used to cuddle and nap together in Puka’s bed when they were younger and now they can be found sharing snacks or cooling off in the kiddie pool. Even when Larry runs away, Puka will find him in no time. Thanks to their adoptive parents’ kind hearts and the power of animal rescue, these two best buddies will be together forever.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

Back in 2009, Larry was adopted by their parents from a person who had to find a new home for him.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

Meet Larry, the African Sulcata tortoise who enjoys basking in the sun and exploring the ground. Larry can reach a weight of 100-150lbs and has a long lifespan that surpasses ours. His owners prefer to keep him outside since he loves the sunshine and digging in the soil. Additionally, in 2011, Larry’s parents adopted Puka after a friend discovered her at a bus stop with a homeless man, wearing an adorable bow tie.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

The guy was not capable of taking care of Puka, so their buddy kindly decided to bring her home, resulting in the formation of their four-member family. Larry and Puka’s connection was instant, and Larry never felt uneasy around her.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

As youngsters, Puka and their companion would often snuggle up in Puka’s bed and bask in the warm sunlight spots throughout the house. These days, you may spot them lounging side by side.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

Snacking together

Snacks are a great way to bond with friends and family. Whether it’s popcorn during a movie night or chips and dips during a party, sharing snacks can bring people closer together. It’s a simple gesture that shows you care and want to enjoy the moment with those around you.

So, next time you’re hanging out with your loved ones, why not suggest sharing a snack? It could be something as simple as a bag of candy or a bowl of fruit. Whatever it is, the act of sharing will make the experience even more enjoyable. Plus, it’s a great way to try new foods and discover new favorites together.

In conclusion, sharing snacks is a small but meaningful way to connect with others. So, grab a bite and enjoy the company!

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

Keeping in touch with one another to inquire about their current activities.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

From time to time, you might observe Puka smelling Larry’s face.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

They enjoy being in front of the camera, striking a pose for photographs.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

If Larry disappears in a hard-to-locate spot, just utter the phrase “locate Larry” and Puka will swiftly track him down!

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

Puka and Larry, two creatures with completely different habitats, may have never crossed paths in the wilderness.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

Fortunately, these adorable creatures have been able to remain inseparable for life, all thanks to the loving and compassionate nature of their parents who sought the assistance of animal rescue.

This Unexpected Friendship Between A Dog And A Turtle Is The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today

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