Confessions of a Pop Star: Lady Gaga’s Secret Gig-Booking Strategy

Lady Gaga, who has been the main act at Coachella, is preparing for a residency in Vegas, and regularly fills stadiums with fans. However, there was a time when she didn’t have a manager and had to beg for opportunities to perform. Lady Gaga shared on Ellen that she used to play the role of her own manager just to secure shows.

Deceiver alert! Lady Gaga confessed that in her early days as a singer, she resorted to pretending to be her own manager in order to secure gigs. With a cheeky grin, she shared the story of her hustle to make it in the music industry, revealing that she would call venues and confidently declare, “Hello, this is Lady Gaga’s manager. She’s a rising star right now and we’d like the 10pm slot for her performance.” The pop superstar even went the extra mile by putting on a fake English accent to enhance the charade. Gaga admitted, “I used to play this little game of being my own manager just to secure the best gigs.” Just another example of her fearless determination to achieve her dreams.

“I made the decision to pursue singing at the age of 19 after struggling to find acting roles at the start of my career,” she shared with the host. Fast forward 13 years, and now Ellen affectionately calls me Miss Lady as I prepare to star alongside Bradley Cooper in his first film as a director, A Star Is Born. Reflecting on our early discussions about the collaboration, I was truly impressed by Bradley’s singing abilities. Despite both being from the East Coast and having Italian roots, I found myself casually chatting with him in the kitchen while reheating leftovers. It felt like a full circle moment in both our lives.”

Fast forward 13 years and Ellen is thrilled to see Miss Lady, as she affectionately calls her, starring alongside Bradley Cooper in his first directorial project, A Star Is Born. They shared a special moment singing together at the piano, performing a Credence Clearwater Revival song, Midnight Special. Ellen was amazed by Bradley’s soulful voice and praised his songwriting skills, noting that he wrote all the songs for the film.

Have you heard those pipes? When talking about their initial talks about working together, the Mother Monster confessed that she was completely impressed by her co-star’s incredible singing abilities.

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